السادة / الشؤون الادارية المحترمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,,
نحن مؤسسة حراسات أمنية مدنية تصنيف أول فئة(أ)
فروعنا في جميع إنحاء المملكة
تأمين حراس أمن _حارسات أمن _مشرفين أمن.
تأمين سيارات أمنية مجهزة,اقماع ,اشرطة تحذيرية .
كاميرات مراقبة عالية الجودة مراقبة حسب انظمة الرقابة العالمية.
خدمات امنية دراسات أمنية,خطط امنية بمعايير عالمية .
guards, Security services,Safety
guards, Security services,Safety
للتواصل معنا وطلب عروض اسعار :
عناية الاستاذ :عبيد
تختص شركتنا بتوفير الحماية والخدمات الأمنية في المجالات التالية
حماية الأفراد .
حماية مقرات الشركات ومواقع العمل الميدانية .
حماية مراكز الخدمات العامة والمرافق السياحية .
حماية البنوك والمصارف الحكومية والأهلية .
حماية المحلات التجارية والمخازن والمستودعات .
حماية المؤتمرات والمهرجانات والمعارض وتنقلات الوفود .
حماية الأبنية الجامعية والمدرسية .
حماية محطات الطاقة الكهربائية والمنشئات النفطية ومصادر المياه .
services (0594390000)
services (0594390000)
The leading
professional security organisation in Saudi Arabia
professional security organisation in Saudi Arabia
Guard Services:
Guard Services:
Saudi nationals with
professional experience & training
Saudi nationals with
professional experience & training
Two levels of physical
guards with different tasks and assignments
Two levels of physical
guards with different tasks and assignments
Our Customer Call
Center operates 24/7 and is linked to guarding locations and the patrolling
supervisors providing a proactive service to our clients
Our Customer Call
Center operates 24/7 and is linked to guarding locations and the patrolling
supervisors providing a proactive service to our clients
Trained in the use of
fire and safety devices
Trained in the use of
fire and safety devices
Gentlemen / Managerial Affairs
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Please find below a brief introduction of Our organization , The leading professional organization in the field of security services
in Saudi Arabia .
in Saudi Arabia .
We are a security civilian Organization rating the first category (a)
Our branches across the Kingdom
Our company specializes in providing
protection and security services in the following areas :-
protection and security services in the following areas :-
Protection of individuals.
Protection of individuals.
Protection of corporate
headquarters and field work sites.
Protection of corporate
headquarters and field work sites.
The protection of public
services and facilities tourist centers.
The protection of public
services and facilities tourist centers.
The protection of
government and private banks and banks.
The protection of
government and private banks and banks.
Protection of shops, stores
and warehouses.
Protection of shops, stores
and warehouses.
Protection conferences,
festivals, exhibitions and movements of delegations.
Protection conferences,
festivals, exhibitions and movements of delegations.
Protect the university and
school buildings.
Protect the university and
school buildings.
Protection of electric
power plants and oil facilities and water sources.
Protection of electric
power plants and oil facilities and water sources.
Secure security guards
( Males & Females ) , security supervisors.
Secure security guards
( Males & Females ) , security supervisors.
Secure equipped security
cars, funnels, warning tapes.
Secure equipped security
cars, funnels, warning tapes.
High-quality surveillance
cameras - monitoring by global control
High-quality surveillance
cameras - monitoring by global control
Security services -
security studies, international standards of security plans.
Security services -
security studies, international standards of security plans.
Advantages of our Security guards- :
Saudi citizens with professional experience
and training
Saudi citizens with professional experience
and training
Two levels of physical free with various tasks
and duties
Two levels of physical free with various tasks
and duties
Our Customer Call Center operates working
twenty four hours a day , seven days a
week and linked to guarding locations
and the patrolling supervisors providing a proactive service to our clients.
Our Customer Call Center operates working
twenty four hours a day , seven days a
week and linked to guarding locations
and the patrolling supervisors providing a proactive service to our clients.
Trained in the use of fire
and safety devices .
Trained in the use of fire
and safety devices .
To communicate with us and
request quotations:
To communicate with us and
request quotations:
Attention Mr. : Obaid
Mobile: 0594390000
Mobile: 0558397446
Our pages
Our pages
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